logoIllustrating Scott

Record Number: LIB0012

Related Work: Legend of Montrose, A

Illustration Title/Caption: ‘She sate down . . . accompanied it with her voice.’ [3 lines]

Keyword(s): Arms & Armaments - Harps - Lyle, Annot - McAulay, Allan - Menteith, Earl of - Music

Artist: Frank Stone

Engraver: James Stephenson

Work Type: steel engraving

Size(cm): 10.5 x 8.8

Date: 1852

Source Text: Waverley Novels [Library Edition] (Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1852-53)

Position in Source Text: vol. 6 (title-page vignette)

Location of Copy: NLS, Hall.279.a & b

Image File Name: No image available for this record.

Notes: Depicts Annot Lyle playing her harp to Allan McAulay, who sits by her side with his face hidden in his arm, as Menteith looks on [Ch. 6; EEWN 7b, 49.30-33]. Exhibited as painting, with identical quotation, at Royal Academy, no. 123, 1840.

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