Record Number: LIB0032
Related Work: Quentin Durward
Illustration Title/Caption: ‘The publicity of the scene . . . retire into a cloister.’ [5 lines]
Keyword(s): Burgundy, Duke of - Croye, Isabelle, Countess de ('Jacqueline') - Petitions
Artist: Alfred Elmore
Engraver: James Stephenson
Work Type: steel engraving
Size(cm): 11.2 x 8.8
Date: 1853
Source Text: Waverley Novels [Library Edition] (Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1852-53)
Position in Source Text: vol. 16 (title-page vignette)
Location of Copy: NLS, Hall.279.a & b
Image File Name: No image available for this record.
Notes: Depicts the Countess Isabelle kneeling before the Duke of Burgundy on his throne; the other male and female figures also portrayed are perhaps meant to represent the Count and Countess of Crevecoeur [Ch. 32; EEWN 15, 352.28-31].
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