Record Number: EPI0003
Related Work: Pirate, The
Illustration Title/Caption: The Storm with Mordaunt rescuing Cleveland
Keyword(s): Bryce the Pedlar - Cleveland, Captain Clement - Cliffs - Mertoun, Mordaunt - Seascapes - Shipwrecks - Sick & Wounded Persons
Artist: Samuel Bough
Engraver: William Richardson
Work Type: steel engraving
Size(cm): 16.7 x 25.2
Date: 1871
Source Text: Portrait of Sir Walter Scott and Five Engravings in Illustration of The Pirate for the Members of the Royal Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland ([Edinburgh: the Association], 1871)
Position in Source Text: [Plate 2]
Location of Copy: EUL, Corson H.RAPFAS.3
Image File Name: 0030045d.jpg
Notes: Depicts Mordaunt Mertoun attending to the shipwrecked Clement Cleveland on the shore, with the figure of Bryce the Pedlar appearing in the distance. Accompanying quoted text: ‘When the vessel split . . . eagerly, but in vain’ [Ch.7; EEWN 12; 69-70]. Matches #BOR0125, but with different engraver.
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