logoIllustrating Scott

Record Number: SSR0010

Related Work: Rob Roy

Illustration Title/Caption: Crypt under Glasgow Cathedral / Rob Roy Vol. II, p. 41

Keyword(s): Osbaldistone, Frank - Fairservice, Andrew - Churches & Churchyards - Religion

Artist: George Cattermole

Engraver: Joseph Goodyear

Work Type: steel engraving

Size(cm): 9.8 x 13.5

Date: 1835

Source Text: Leitch Ritchie, Scott and Scotland (London: Longman, 1835)

Position in Source Text: facing p. 244

Location of Copy: EUL, Corson E.RIT.3874

Image File Name: 0014602d.jpg

Notes: Depicts congregation listening to a sermon, with Frank Osbaldistone, positioned under a pillar alongside (apparently) Andrew Fairservice, and turning round at having heard a mysterious voice behind him [Ch. 20]. Title/caption reference relates to Magnum Opus edition. Later published in H. I. and A. Stevens, 'Scott and Scotland' (London, 1845): see image.

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