Record Number: ILM0002
Related Work: Monastery, The
Illustration Title/Caption: The Monastery / The Lady of Avenel and Her Daughter in the Dwelling of Dame Elspeth
Keyword(s): Avenel, Alice of - Avenel, Mary - Children - Farmers & Peasants - Tacket, Martin - Tacket, Tibb
Artist: Richard Westall
Engraver: Charles Heath
Work Type: steel engraving
Size(cm): 9.2 x 7.4
Date: 1821
Source Text: The Monastery, a Romance by the Author of 'Waverley' Illustrated with Engravings by Charles Heath, from Drawings by Richard Westall, Esq. R.A. (London: Hurst, Robinson, & Co., 1821)
Position in Source Text: [Plate 1]
Location of Copy: EUL, Corson H.ALL
Image File Name: 0014453d.jpg
Notes: Depicts the Lady of Avenel in Elspeth Glendinning's home at Glendearg, seated and holding the child Mary in her arms, with Martin and Tibb Tacket looking on, the former holding shepherd's crook. [Ch. 4] Legend uniquely in this series includes the wording 'Engraved on Steel by Chas. Heath', and the illustration has denser quality of shading compared to the others. Todd & Bowden state that this plate is apparently 'the first in any production to be engraved on steel' (p. 523; see also 453-55). Also appears as a separate print in the Corson Collection (P. 2995) (see image).
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