Record Number: FIS0022
Related Work: Rob Roy
Illustration Title/Caption: F. Osbaldistone at Squire Inglewood's / F. Osbaldistone chez l'Ecuyer Inglewood
Keyword(s): Eating & Drinking - Inglewood, Squire - Jobson, Joseph - Law & Lawyers - Morris - Osbaldistone, Frank
Artist: George Cruikshank
Engraver: No Engraver
Work Type: etching
Size(cm): 8.2 x 12.8
Date: 1836
Source Text: Waverley Novels, 48 vols (London: Fisher, Son & Co., 1836-39)
Position in Source Text: vol. 7, facing p. 114
Location of Copy: EUL, Corson A.7.a.1836-9/7
Image File Name: 0014598d.jpg
Notes: Depicts Frank Osbaldistone entering the dining room of Inglewood Hall, with Inglewood, his clerk Jobson, and Morris seated around a fire after their meal [Ch. 8]. Also appears in 'Landscape-Historical Illustrations of Scotland and the Waverley Novels' [Plate 19] (London: Fisher, [1836-38]): see image.
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