logoIllustrating Scott

Record Number: MAG0066

Related Work: Saint Ronan's Well

Illustration Title/Caption: 'Mr Winterblossom was . . . at the public room.' [4 lines]

Keyword(s): Winterblossom, Mr Philip - Art & Paintings

Artist: Charles Robert Leslie

Engraver: Joseph Goodyear

Work Type: steel engraving

Size(cm): 6 x 7.5

Date: 1832

Source Text: Waverley Novels [Magnum Opus edition], 48 vols (Edinburgh: Cadell & Company, 1829-33)

Position in Source Text: vol. 33 (title-page vignette)

Location of Copy: EUL, Corson A.7.a.1829-33/33

Image File Name: No image available for this record.

Notes: Depicts Mr Philip Winterblossom, as a man of taste, exhibiting pieces of artwork to others assembled in the public room at Saint Ronan's Well. [Ch. 3; EEWN 16, 30.2-4]

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