logoIllustrating Scott

Record Number: EHM0006

Related Work: Heart of Mid-Lothian, The

Illustration Title/Caption: The Death of Sir George Staunton

Keyword(s): Arms & Armaments - Combat & Duelling - Donacha Dhu na Dunaigh - Knock, Duncan - Murder & Murderers - Pirates & Robbers - Staunton, George (‘George Robertson’) - Whistler, The

Artist: John Blake McDonald

Engraver: Thomas Brown

Work Type: steel engraving

Size(cm): 17.2 x 25.7

Date: 1873

Source Text: Six Engravings in Illustration of The Heart of Midlothian for the Members of the Royal Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland ([Edinburgh: the Association], 1873)

Position in Source Text: [Plate 6]

Location of Copy: EUL, Corson H.RAPFAS.19

Image File Name: No image available for this record.

Notes: Depicts Duncan Knock running through Donacha Dhu with his sword, with the prostrate body of Sir George Staunton below them, while the figure presumably representing the Whistler is taken captive in the background. Accompanying quoted text: ‘Duncan and his party . . . at length approached the place . . . but life had wholly left him’ [Ch. 53; EEWN 6, 461-62].

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