Record Number: BOR0023
Related Work: Guy Mannering
Illustration Title/Caption: Capture of Dirk Hatteraick
Keyword(s): Arms & Armaments - Bertram, Henry ('Vanbeest Brown') - Caves - Dinmont, Dandy - Hatteraick, Dirk - Hazlewood, Charles - Merrilies, Meg - Pirates & Robbers
Artist: John Blake McDonald
Engraver: Charles Courtry
Work Type: etching
Size(cm): 9 x 14.5
Date: 1892
Source Text: Waverley Novels [Border Edition], ed. Andrew Lang, 48 vols (London: John C. Nimmo, 1892-94)
Position in Source Text: vol. 4, facing p. 288
Location of Copy: NLS, Lit.S.22
Image File Name: No image available for this record.
Notes: Depicts the Meg Merrilies, staff in one hand, pointing accusingly at the seated figure of Dirk Hatteraick in his cave, while Bertram, Dinmont, and Hazlewood look on concealed in the shadows [Ch. 54]. Matches #EGM0006, but with different engraver.
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