logoIllustrating Scott

Record Number: BOR0075

Related Work: Bride of Lammermoor, The

Illustration Title/Caption: The Apparition

Keyword(s): Apparitions & Ghosts - Fountains & Wells - Gray, Alice ('Blind Alice') - Ravenswood, Edgar

Artist: Henry Macbeth-Raeburn

Engraver: Henry Macbeth-Raeburn

Work Type: etching

Size(cm): 13.9 x 9.1

Date: 1893

Source Text: Waverley Novels [Border Edition], ed. Andrew Lang, 48 vols (London: John C. Nimmo, 1892-94)

Position in Source Text: vol. 15, facing p. 32

Location of Copy: NLS, Lit.S.22

Image File Name: No image available for this record.

Notes: Depicts Edgar Ravenswood at the fountain viewing the ghost-like figure of Blind Alice [Ch. 23].

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