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Record Number: BOR0091

Related Work: Monastery, The

Illustration Title/Caption: Halbert and Catherine

Artist & Engraver: Gordon Frederick Browne & William Henry Boucher

Source Text: Waverley Novels [Border Edition], ed. Andrew Lang, 48 vols (London: John C. Nimmo, 1892-94)


Record Number: BOR0093

Related Work: Monastery, The

Illustration Title/Caption: Christie and the Sub-Prior

Artist & Engraver: Gordon Frederick Browne & Victor Louis Focillon

Source Text: Waverley Novels [Border Edition], ed. Andrew Lang, 48 vols (London: John C. Nimmo, 1892-94)


Record Number: ILN0010

Related Work: Old Mortality, The Tale of

Illustration Title/Caption: Old Mortality / Burley's Concealment in the Hay Loft at Milnwood

Artist & Engraver: William Allan & Francis Engleheart

Source Text: Illustrations of the Novels and Tales of the Author of Waverley from Designs by William Allan (Edinburgh: Archibald Constable & Co., 1820)


Record Number: LAL0004

Related Work: Old Mortality, The Tale of

Illustration Title/Caption: Battle on Bothwell Bridge / (Old Mortality)

Artist & Engraver: Eugene Louis Lami & Gerard Rene Le Villain

Source Text: The Lithographic Album of Sir Walter Scott’s Readers, or 12 Sketches by the Following Distinguished Artists R. P. Bonington, P. Delaroche, et E. Lami (London: Colnaghi Son et Co., 1829)


Record Number: MAG0019

Related Work: Old Mortality, The Tale of

Illustration Title/Caption: Old Mortality / Page 129 Vol. X

Artist & Engraver: Abraham Cooper & Charles Rolls

Source Text: Waverley Novels [Magnum Opus edition], 48 vols (Edinburgh: Cadell & Company, 1829-33)


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